
Conservative Party Conference Events Programme 2024 

Sunday 29 September

01 ECHR (2)

Rights and Wrongs: Should Conservatives support or oppose the ECHR?

Immigration was at the top of Conservative voters' minds at the last election. For some voters, leaving the ECHR could be a way to increase control over our borders, for others, especially in the Blue Wall, leaving the ECHR would be a step too far. This panel will consider how the Conservatives can balance conflicting views within their electoral coalition.

Monday 30 September

02 DEI (1)

Telling the Truth on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Where should the Tories go next?

From rainbow lanyards to affinity networks, debates on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives have dominated much of the political and media discourse in recent years. This panel will debate what role the Conservatives can play on EDI from opposition and how they can better command public support on EDI.

03 Respect (6)

Can a politics of respect help the Conservatives regain the public’s trust?

Can a politics based on respect help the Conservatives rebuild their platform and electoral coalition over this Parliament? Using research from the UCL Policy Lab and More in Common, this panel will examine the challenges and opportunities the Conservatives face in rebuilding their electoral coalition and whether a politics of respect for working people should play a role.

04 Security (3)

Keeping Britain safe: How to rebuild the Conservative’s record on security

The public has historically trusted the Conservatives more on issues of national defence and security. But this election saw Labour overtaking the Conservatives on this issue. In an increasingly dangerous world, how can the Conservative Party rebuild confidence and create a defence agenda that reassures the public?

Tuesday 1 October

06 Net Zero

What next for net zero? How to rebuild consensus on the environment

From Johnsonian boosterism to Sunak’s more pragmatic approach, the last Parliament saw a range of different positions on how to reach net zero. Using More in Common’s polling and focus group research, this panel will debate what’s next for the Conservatives on net zero and how they can best command public support.

07 Tory Coalition (3)

Conservative comeback: Is there a path back to power by 2029?

What went wrong for the Conservatives and how can they recover? Is it possible for Conservatives to return to Government in 2029? Using new More in Common polling and focus group research, this panel will explore what the new leader can do to put the Conservatives on a path back to power.

08 Housing (1)

NIMBY or YIMBY: What lessons can be learned from the Conservative record on housing?

For much of the public, our housing model seems broken. Despite huge political will from successive Conservative governments to boost housing supply, this was met by huge political opposition to house building which proved hard to overcome, limiting supply side success. This panel will discuss the Conservatives’ record on house building and what lessons can be learnt from the last 14 years.

05 Con Reception (1)

More in Common Reception

More in Common’s annual drinks reception brings together MPs, journalists and More in Common supporters at the Meeting Rooms, Birmingham Rep. Please note this event is invitation only.