
Labour Party Conference Events Programme 2024 

Sunday 22 September

Copy Of The Politics Of Respect Why Respecting Ordinary People Could Help Labour Build A Lasting Voter Coalition

The politics of respect: why respecting ordinary people could help Labour build a lasting voter coalition

Can a politics of respect help Labour hold its broad electoral coalition together over the next Parliament? This panel will use research from the UCL Policy Lab and More in Common to examine the challenges and opportunities holding Labour’s coalition together and whether a politics of respect might be a solution.

02 Defence (1)

How can defence investment be a win-win for security and communities?

Can ramping up defence spending be a win-win for national security and local communities? In a tight fiscal environment, how can greater defence spending meet the public’s expectations and deliver for workers, communities and Britain’s national security?

03 Climate Foreign Policy

Britain reconnected: Working together to spur global action for climate and nature

We cannot address the climate and nature crisis without co-ordinated global action. This session will examine how the Labour Government can restore our reputation abroad by spurring implementation of international agreements, rebuild trust on climate and nature finance, and pave the way to success at COP16 in Colombia and COP30 in Brazil.

04 National Trust (2)

Opportunity for all: How can Labour improve access to nature in towns and cities?

In communities across the country, green spaces - whether it’s the park at the end of the street, a patch of grass in the garden or a community allotment - are treasured parts of the fabric of our communities. Green spaces can also be key levers for tackling the health, economic and climate challenges that face the public in towns and cities across the country. However, two in five of the public don’t have good quality green space within a 15 minute walk of home. As the new government sets out its new mission-driven approach, what can it do to improve this unequal access to nature in towns and cities and make good access to nature and green spaces a reality for all.

Monday 23 September

06 Local Trust (3)

A new commission on neighbourhoods: exploring and addressing the challenges faced by England's most deprived neighbourhood

This panel will explore new ways of tackling disadvantage and supporting community-led efforts to turn around tough neighbourhoods. It will reflect on previous neighbourhood renewal strategies and how a new, reimagined strategy on neighbourhood renewal can help politics reconnect with communities.

07 Culture Wars (2)

An End to Culture Wars: Can Labour reset the government-civil society partnership?

How can civil society be partners for Labour's mission-led government? Using More in Common's research and insights from civil society leaders, this panel will explore how a reset in the government-civil society relationship might help end the culture war debates of recent years.

08 Coalition (1)

Wheelbarrow politics: Can Labour hold its electoral coalition together?

Labour faces a ‘wheelbarrow politics’ challenge to hold its electoral coalition together over the course of the Parliament. Using new research from More in Common's polling and focus group research, this panel will explore what Labour can do in government to hold its broad coalitions of voters together.

Copy Of 10 Lab Reception

WWF, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and More in Common bring together a range of stakeholders to discuss what the new Government can offer for young people, including how it can rise to the task of improving young people’s wellbeing and connection to nature.

Tuesday 23 September

11 Tbbt (6)

What's Labour's offer to the just-about-managing?

What can the Labour government do to help the working poor and just about managing? How can Labour better tackle household food insecurity across the country? Join More in Common and the Bread and Butter Thing to discuss the politics and the policy agenda on how Labour can deliver to those who are just about managing.

12 Migration (2)

After Rwanda: new directions for refugee and asylum policy

Having scrapped the Rwanda Plan on day one and the Border Security Command on its way, what’s next for the Labour government’s approach to refugee and asylum policy? Using research from UCL and More in Common, the panel will discuss how the new government can better balance the public’s expectations for control, compassion and contribution.

13 Teacher Development (3)

Better Teacher Development: The Hidden Key to Labour's Opportunity Mission?

What role can teacher Professional Development (PD) play in Labour's opportunity mission? Could enhanced PD solve teacher recruitment and retention challenges? How can we ensure that it really works? This panel will draw on Steplab’s expertise to explore how improving teacher PD can help Labour reach its opportunity mission.

14 Farming (3)

Our countryside heroes: Helping farmers create a resilient and nature-rich future

Our farmers are crucial to both food production and tackling the nature and climate crises. Join More in Common, the RSPB and Sustainable Nitrogen Alliance alongside farming voices and key Labour figures to discuss how a Labour government can support farmers to produce food in resilient businesses, while restoring wildlife and reducing pollution

15 Dei (3)

Finding a balance: how we can build a new consensus on EDI

How can Labour better handle backlash on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives? Using new research, this panel will discuss how the new government can help workplaces and institutions reset on EDI making it more effective by focusing on people not concepts and building cultures of curiosity not criticism.